Junction Valley CWMU antlerless mule deer hunts

Thank you for the interest in the antler-less mule deer hunts on the Junction Valley CWMU.
Below is information regarding these hunts;
These are "draw only" antlerless mule deer tags and can only be obtained through the state of Utah's annual antlerless draw for mule deer.
We do not have permits for sale.
This is a “depredation” style hunt which has been created for the purpose of helping landowners in the Junction Valley CWMU.
Although there is usually an abundance of deer, we make no guarantees as to the success of your hunt. Hunting is hunting.
As you hunt, please note:
Hunting typically takes place on the edges of our fields in designated “zones” (See map blow)
Our property is in Lynn Utah. Lynn is located about 25 miles east of Grouse Creek UT. (see below for directions to the property)
Your hunt will consist of 3 consecutive days during the month of August. We start hunting August 1st and finish on the 20th. Please contact Gary to schedule your 3 days after you draw.
The deer don't usually come into the fields until later in the evening, so, plan for evening hunts.
Before arriving, you will be assigned a “zone” to hunt in. These zones have been carefully designed to maximize the success rates for each hunter and to focus on the areas where the landowners are having the most difficulty with deer. (see scheduling instructions below)
We recommend that you wear blaze orange while hunting.
Please download a copy of the "Map Zones" for your records.
This time of year, it is really hot outside, so please plan accordingly to have coolers with ice to preserve your meat.
There are plenty of places to camp on BLM or State ground within a few miles of the fields.
We have 3 homes on the property (directly across from the Alfalfa fields) that can be rented for $100.00 per night for up to 2 people (2 night minimum), additional people cost 10 dollars per night per person. This can be very convenient for those of you who would like to stay the night but don't want to set up a camp or tow up a trailer. The houses are across the road from the fields and have nice bedrooms, kitchens, family rooms, bathrooms and are very comfortable. (see pictures below.) Please get ahold of the operator to reserve this house if you are interested in reserving the houses. First come first serve.
Lastly, there will be other hunters who will draw these tags. Please respectful each other in the field.
We look forward to helping you with any questions and we appreciate your interest in the CWMU antlerless hunting.
Copyright © 2024 Junction Valley Depredation Hunts - All Rights Reserved.